Finding your best friend in a Residential Care home

December 27, 2019

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Finding your best friend in a Residential Care home

Chris has been living in our Grafton Residential Care home for two years now, moving from Queensland to be closer to her son. She had been living alone for the first time in her life after her beloved husband Mila had passed.

Living alone didn’t suit Chris and after all those years caring for her husband, she was starting to need someone to help her now. When her son suggested they take a look at our St Catherine’s home she agreed to go.

On Chris's visit, she quickly met Dorothy one of our other residents. 

“Dorothy and I immediately clicked. She showed me around the place, I sat at her table and the rest is history as they say. We’re the best of friends now, everyone knows that where you find one of us, the other won’t be far away” said Chris.

Chris moved into the home after that and was blown away by the warm welcome she received from staff and residents. She felt at home and was glad to have so many friendly neighbours. Wanting to make sure other new residents had the same experience, Chris formed a welcoming committee to show new residents the ropes and help them transition into life in a residential care home.

Chris is used to running a home and didn’t want to give up all the things she always did. She delivers the papers and magazines, takes the minutes at the resident meetings and is always on the lookout for jobs to do around the place.

“I like to be useful and the staff know it’s best to keep me busy, but I do enjoy not having to cook or wash up anymore,” said Chris

Chris worked for 41 years for the one company, working her way up from Office Junior to Accountant eventually.

“I loved working as an Accountant. I might be one of the few kids who would play make-believe banks. My mum would ask me why I wanted to play bank and I said, “I like money” but she would say, “you like spending money you mean!”.” Said Chris.

Chris feels very blessed to have 13 grandchildren now and has lived a full and interesting life. The time she spent travelling and living overseas with her husband is very special to her.

Enquire now to discover better Aged Care in Grafton, St Catherine's Residential Aged Care by filling in the online contact us form or by calling 1800 632 314.

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