Our response to COVID-19 & Acute Respiratory Infections

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have endeavoured to navigate a very dynamic situation that balances the safety and well-being of our residents and clients with effective infection prevention and control practices, as this is our responsibility and duty of care.


We have a dedicated Taskforce, which is responsible for:

  • monitoring COVID-19 and other acute respiratory infections closely
  • regularly reviewing the latest advice from health authorities on infection prevention and control practices
  • supporting staff to engage with residents and clients, families, representatives, volunteers, and other key stakeholders around preparedness, risk management, infection prevention and control
  • implementing our dynamic and robust Acute Respiratory Infections Plan

This plan was originally developed in response to COVID-19, in accordance with the Communicable Disease Network Australia (CDNA) COVID-19 outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities, the Infection Control Expert Group (ICEG) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for Infection Prevention and Control in Residential Care Facilities, guiding resources from Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and NSW Health.


We continue to partner with stakeholders and share our own experiences as part of our commitment to ongoing improvement and staying vigilant.


Thank you to residents and clients, families and representatives, staff, volunteers, and other key stakeholders who have been incredibly supportive of our responsible and considered approach to keeping everyone safe.


Download: Acute Respiratory Infections Plan.


Government resources about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, how to protect yourself and your family, where and when you can get vaccinated, and the current situation in Australia, can be found here.