Better outcomes for residents through strategic partnerships and innovation

March 29, 2023

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Better outcomes for residents through strategic partnerships and innovation

At Southern Cross Care, we're committed to providing quality care for older Australians. One way we're achieving this is through planned and strategic partnerships.

A great example is the Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities trial, which we ran in Garran and Campbell.

Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs)

Capital Health Network (CHN) commissioned the University of Canberra, through the Australian Government's PHN Program, to coordinate the trial across several RACFs. 

"Having a pharmacist on site has enabled our Registered Nurses to do what they do best, namely providing quality clinical care for residents as the pharmacist supports the management of medication, including minimising the occurrence and risks associated with polypharmacy." - Samantha Tosh, Regional Director and RN at Southern Cross Care.

The trial was a great example of providing better outcomes for residents by complementing nursing skills with pharmacist expertise, which was highlighted during a media launch.

We're very proud of Samantha Tosh and her team for actively supporting this trial.

A key recommendation from the trial includes rolling out the on-site pharmacist model nationally to improve medication management for residents.

The full evaluation report and resources can be found at:  

Electronic medication system

Forming partnerships and adopting new technologies is a core pillar in our strategic plan and is instrumental to improving the well-being of residents and the efficiency of those providing care.

The integration between Choice Aged Care's PPASS-3 Tool and BESTMED's electronic medication system in all our Residential Aged Care homes has significantly improved medication management efficiency and governance.

Through data automation, our team is advancing our reporting requirements and optimising clinical outcomes associated with polypharmacy and psychotropic medication. This initiative demonstrates our commitment to care and continuous improvement.

It also supports our strategic goals of continuing to transform digitally so we can improve our operating efficiency and be a provider of choice fostering partnerships with organisations that deliver high-impact, digital health solutions for optimum outcomes.


I'm excited to share that our commitment to reimaging Residential Aged Care homes with a 'healthcare setting' to deliver high-personal care and complex clinical services is being realised through a partnership with Professor Ramon Shaban and Professor Kate Curtis from The University of Sydney.

Together, we're collaborating on a project called HIRAID, which aims to improve the clinical assessment of residents in Residential Aged Care homes and reduce unnecessary hospital admissions.

We developed our dynamic and robust Acute Respiratory Infections Plan in conjunction with Professor Shaban, so we have every confidence in the benefits of the HIRAID project, along with our staff's willingness to always rise to the challenges and go above and beyond to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.


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